Welcome to the 2nd Early Career Researchers Meeting
of the RSC-Macrocyclic and Supramolecular Chemistry Group
The 2nd Macrocyclic and Supramolecular Chemistry Early Career was held the 27th of July 2018 in the School of Chemistry at the University of Manchester.
We had a fantastic day of supramolecular chemistry with more than 100 participants, 36 posters, 15 talks, and 1 plenary lecture by Prof. Tony Davis!
Thanks all the attendees, presenters, chairs, sponsors, the UoM Chemistry support team, and my group for making this meeting such a successful event.
Follow the timeline of the conference as it unfolded on Twitter at #MASCECR
I would like to congratulate again our presentation prize winners:
Rebecca Burns (Cockroft group, Edinburgh), with the Supramolecular Chemistry Prize
Aisha Bismillah (McGonigal group, Durham), with the Chemical Society Reviews Prize
And our poster prize winners:
Dr Fredrik Schaufelberger (Leigh group, Manchester), with the MestReLab Prize
Alex Elmi (Cockroft group, Edinburgh), with the Chemical Communications Prize
Dr Min Zhang (De Bo group, Manchester), with the Fluorochem Prize
Guillaume De Bo
We had a fantastic day of supramolecular chemistry with more than 100 participants, 36 posters, 15 talks, and 1 plenary lecture by Prof. Tony Davis!
Thanks all the attendees, presenters, chairs, sponsors, the UoM Chemistry support team, and my group for making this meeting such a successful event.
Follow the timeline of the conference as it unfolded on Twitter at #MASCECR
I would like to congratulate again our presentation prize winners:
Rebecca Burns (Cockroft group, Edinburgh), with the Supramolecular Chemistry Prize
Aisha Bismillah (McGonigal group, Durham), with the Chemical Society Reviews Prize
And our poster prize winners:
Dr Fredrik Schaufelberger (Leigh group, Manchester), with the MestReLab Prize
Alex Elmi (Cockroft group, Edinburgh), with the Chemical Communications Prize
Dr Min Zhang (De Bo group, Manchester), with the Fluorochem Prize
Guillaume De Bo
A special thanks to our sponsors. It’s thanks to their kind support we have been able to put this meeting on for “free”!!!